Saturday, March 6, 2010

keep holding on.

today marks a significant day.
its my 100th post. :D
in exactly 2 weeks time, my blog is 1 year old.
haha. awesome, aint it?


what is it with girls and public phones?
it takes them like..5 mins to make a phone call with 20 cents.
boys? less than 1 minute.
the reason-
heres why..

first, ever notice girls do everything in pairs?
form walking, to toilet-ing,
form buying stuff at the canteen,
to...making phone calls.
yes. well not all girls. but
guys are lone rangers. i mean,

do guys go to toilets in pairs?
so one girl is the one who makes the phone
call and does the talking.
the other girl, the extra,
busy body, is what i call ' the loader '.
the one who holds the coins. the useless one.
its like..

yes. its not like the phone is a machine gun.
the phone is more like a..

thats more like it.
u dont have to have another person to
carry out the
"pre call chit chat"
thats really annoying.
of all the places to talk, u had to do it
at the public phone.
cant u do it some place else rather then
hogging the phone?

well, thats just an explanation
on why girls take a much longer time
on the public phone than guys.

see ya..

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